SODI Sport 是一款運動型的租賃用卡丁車,其性能近似賽車級卡丁車。它是專為尋求刺激的駕駛體驗的人而設計。
底盤的靈感來自我們的賽車經驗,而外部的各項防護(PROFLEX 專利)也是專為 SODI SPORT 而設計。它們能讓卡丁車在賽道上的回饋更好,並將路感資訊更直接地傳遞給駕駛。
SODI SPORT 的人體工學設計可適合體型較大的駕駛
車架相容於 4 種引擎(GX270、GX390 HONDA、ROTAX 21hp 和 28hp)
相容於所有選項(Ems、Ems Racer、引導箱等)
開發不銹鋼排氣管,可提升性能和特定聲音(僅適用於 HONDA 270cc 和 390CC 引擎)
* 使用 ROTAX MAXevo 引擎時為 125 公斤,使用 HONDA GX270 引擎時為 135 公斤,使用 HONDA GX390 引擎時為 141 公斤
Recognized as the undisputed leader in kart rentals thanks to the outstanding quality of its chassis, SODIKART has partnered with the specialized electrical industry leaders to develop a new generation of electric rental go karts.
Powerful, ergonomic, safe and environmentally friendly, the SODI electric gokarts have been fully designed using ENGEC electric technology, opening new horizons for the world of karting.
Complies with the regulatory provisions of directive «machinery» 2006/42/CE and satisfied the requirements of the following reference documents :
Dimensions and weight | |
Length (L) | 1970 mm |
Width (l) | 1450 mm |
Height (H) | 690mm (without roll-over bar) |
Weight | 125 kg (with 125 Max EVO) |
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